Shilpa Shetty has turned down the offer to act in a sequel to her hit movie Dhadkan and has wished producer Ratan Jain all success. The sole reason behind the refusal is that the actress does not want to miss even a moment of his child Viaan, who is growing. She will not be thinking of acting for another one and a half years as it is the most crucial time with my child.
Talking to media, Shilpa says that she does not miss acting, in fact there is so much happening around her and she can not free herself. Every day Viaan speaks a new word and is doing crazy things, she loves it all.
Shilpa explains Every day is a new thing, new day and she does not want to miss a single moment of his child. `I can't live without my Child. And acting is not a priority for me anymore." And, she adds that she can not be unfair to her producers and directors.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 13:31 IST