Actress Neetu Chandra, who will be making her theatre debut with "Umrao Jaan", has been brushing up her Kathak to play the courtesan.
"To prepare for her role, which has been enacted earlier on big screen by iconic stars Rekha and Aishwarya Rai, Neetu has been brushing up her Kathak. She has also been learning the right diction for her Urdu dialogues," a source close to the actress told IANS.
Hidayant Sami is the director while Rekha Bhardwaj has scored music for the play which will be premiered Nov 9 at Prithvi Theatre here.
Neetu has been seen in movies like "Garam Masala" and "Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!"
Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:31 IST