Director Ashwni Dhir and actor Ajay Devgn have reportedly fallen out. Both are no more making their next together. The duo avoided on commenting about their gone sour relationship but the buzz is that Ashwni Dhir is now looking for a new face for his newly conceived movie.
The Bollywood superstar and the director had earlier made Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge (2010) and Son Of Sardaar (2012).
Reportedly, the duo had finished several scripting sessions for their next project, which was to be made on an epic scale. However, something went wrong in the fine tuning stage.
Sources now indicate that Ashwni may make the same subject that he had pitched to Ajay either for television or make a film based on it with another Bollywood actor.
Saturday, November 02, 2013 13:38 IST