Ekta Kapoor and Karan Johar production Badtameez Dil has hit a road block. The actress The Kareena Kapoor Khan and actor -Emraan Hashmi have apparently been dropped from the movie owing to the view that the script will be more suitable for new comers. Earlier Kareena had left the project and walked back only after several months.
Then, sources hinted that the real reason why this film never took off is because its producers -Ekta Kapoor and Karan Johar - seemed to have a difference of opinion.
One hears that both Ekta and Karan also felt the film was more suited for newcomers.
Of course, the friendship between Ekta and KJo seemed intact when the latter attended the former's Diwali card party on October 31.
Saturday, November 02, 2013 13:40 IST