Bollywood actress Kainaz Motiwala, who is known for films such as "Ragini MMS" and "Wake Up Sid", will make her Telugu debut with upcoming Telugu romantic-drama "Boochamma Boochodu".
"She (Kainaz) is a wonderful actress and a delight to work with. Her part is written in such a way that she will definitely be noticed for her performance. I remember she once told me on sets that the working style in Bollywood is so different and that she likes the warmth of Telugu industry," the film's director Rewon Yadu told IANS.
"I'm glad she doesn't feel alienated in our industry. It's just the beginning for her here as I'm sure she has a bright future ahead," he added.
Kainaz is paired with Shivaji in the film which has been completed and is slated to release in December third week.
"It's a film for family audiences. We are now busy putting together some sequences involving visual effects in the film. If everything goes as planned, then we will release as planned in December," Yadu said.
The film also features Ramesh Annam Reddy, Brahmanandam, Posani Krishna Murali and Vennela Kishore.
Monday, November 04, 2013 12:47 IST