Superstar Salman Khan's next film 'Jai Ho' has become so much sought after that top studios are willing to pay crores for the rights of the movie. There is talk doing the rounds that Eros International has acquired rights of 'Jai Ho' for Rs 110 crore.
Disney-UTV, Eros International and Viacom 18 are in negotiations to acquire the rights of Salman Khan's upcoming film 'Jai Ho' but the amount offered has yet been not disclosed.
A source close to Salman Khan said, `It's much more than Rs110 crore. We haven't put a finger on the final sum, but it'd be closer to Rs 180 crore or more.The deal has not been closed yet.`
Director Sohail Khan has appealed to the media not to underestimate his production. Apart from Salman Khan, it stars Tabu, Danny Denzongpa and Ashmit Patel among others. The movie is expected to hit screens on January 21, 2014.
Tuesday, November 05, 2013 13:16 IST