Bollywood Actress Kareena Kapoor has a very good rapport with Saif's children from his first marriage with Amrita Singh which broke down. The children - Sara and Ibrahim- are good friends of Kareena and she enjoys their company.
Kareena married Saif in 2012 after a 5 year long live-in relationship.
"My relationship with Sara and Ibrahim is the way it should be. It's a strong bonding and we are very good friends," Kareena told newsmen.
The 33-year-old, who just celebrated her anniversary with the National Award-winning actor, is bowled over by his good looks.
"Saif is a wonderful actor and he is known for his choice of films. He has never played safe and experimented with everything, and it's great. It's his looks that appeals to me the most," said Kareena.
Thursday, November 07, 2013 18:10 IST