TV actor Gurmeet Choudhary, who won "Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5", has put on his dancing shoes once again for "Nach Baliye 6", and says there is a responsibility on him to live up to his fans' expectations.
In the dance reality show, he will participate with his wife Debina Bonnerjee.
"I have been a winner of a dance reality show. I am not a trained dancer, but obviously a kind of responsibility comes on you as fans want to see you dancing to that level...and people should feel that he is a winner," Gurmeet said Thursday while rehearsing for "Nach Baliye 6".
Set to go on air Saturday on Star Plus, "Nach Baliye 6" will see a total of 11 jodis, including Raqesh Vashisth-Riddhi Dogra and Rithvik Dhanjani-Asha Negi, competing for the coveted title.
Actress Shilpa Shetty along with director Sajid Khan and choreographer Terence Lewis will judge "Nach Baliye 6".
Saturday, November 09, 2013 13:23 IST