Well known Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor has started shooting for 'Haider' in Srinagar. The movie is directed by Vishal Bharadwaj. Shahid had made his mark in 'Kaminey.'
The actor has tweeted, "Morning all . Day 1 #haider #tobeornottobe .. Srinagar ."
According to reports, Shahid Kapoor was so excited about this project and places so much of trust in Vishal Bharadwaj that he chose 'Haider' over Tigmanshu Dhulia's 'Milan Talkies'.
Apart from Shahid Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor and Tabu have also been roped in for 'Haider'.
Tabu has already been a part of this trilogy as the Lady Macbeth in Vishal's 'Maqbool' in 2003.
Shahid will be working with the director after 2009 hit film 'Kaminey'. The Kapoor lad will be essaying the lead role of 'Hamlet' while Shraddha and Tabu's role are still being kept under wraps.
'Hamlet' is the story of a son of a former king who takes revenge from his uncle and the then King Claudius for snatching away the throne by murdering his father.
Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor, who has just delivered a hit with 'Aashiqui 2', has reportedly walked out of Tigmanshu Dhulia's 'Milan Talkies' with Shahid Kapoor.
Saturday, November 09, 2013 13:26 IST