Saif Ali Khan and Thaara were Wednesday declared the best actor and actress while Madhur Bhandarkar's "Page 3" bagged the best feature film honour in the 52nd national film awards.
Thaara won the award for her role in the Kannada film "Hasina". Saif, the son of cricket legend Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi and yesteryear actress Sharmila Tagore, won for Kunal Kohli's "Hum Tum".
The award for the most popular film providing wholesome entertainment was shared by Yash Chopra's "Veer Zaara" and Tamil director Cheran's "Autograph".
The Nargis Dutt award for best film for national integration went to Shyam Bengal's "Bose - The Forgotten Hero".
The best director was Buddhadeb Dasgupta for "Swapner Din". The best supporting actor award went to Haradhan Banerjee for "Krantikal" while Sheela bagged the best supporting actress award for Malayalam film "Akale".
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 14:03 IST