Ram Leela hero Ranveer Singh is often called with love as Johnny Depp. It was Arjun Kapoor who first gave him this new name. And for that his keeping a hat over his head is the main reason. The Ram-Leela actor said, "Arjun keeps teasing me, 'Baba, you are the Johnny Depp of India'.
He loves taking my case." About his obsession for fedoras, he added, "It happened accidentally. I have been collecting fedoras since I was a kid. I love hats. I love different sh*t. I dislike the preppy stuff - clean shaven, polo T-shirt, loafers etc. I like anything that's distinctive. Besides, I love Johnny Depp. I could count him as one of my favourites."
Apparently, his most favourite actor happens to be Deepika Padukone. He joked, "Deepika is my favourite. Even in Hollywood, it's Deepika Depp or Johnny Padukone."
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 13:12 IST