Real life criminals lodged in Daman and Bhopal jails will be giving company to actor Sunny Deol for the shooting of Singh Saab the Great. This is planned to give authenticity to the plot of the movie. Though this is not a first for the actor, he says the experience is unnerving.
"I've shot in real jails earlier too. It's an eerie experience as there is pain and agony all around. This time, even though I knew that I was there temporarily for the shoot, it was still psychologically disturbing," says Sunny, who plays an honest IAS officer fighting corruption in this film.
Getting permission to shoot at these locations was not easy. Director Anil Sharma says, "It was quite a process. Identity cards were given to the crew and they were thoroughly frisked before being allowed to enter the jail premises. We even shot in an 'anda' cell, which has very little space. It requires immense patience to shoot in such a cramped location."
Interestingly, while Sunny did not interact with any of the inmates this time around, he says he did have a conversation with a criminal during a previous shoot. "He told me about how he had murdered a family member in a fit of rage. That moment of anger blinded him and landed him behind bars. He felt very guilty," he says.
Besides Sunny, the cast includes Prakash Raj, Johnny Lever, Amrita Rao, Urvashi Rautela and Anjali Abrol.
Singh Saab The Great, presented by Jayantilal Gada (PEN), produced by Anuj Sharma, Shantketan Entertainment and Sangeeta Ahir, releases November 22.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 13:40 IST