The Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara director feels that Anil is the most underrated actor. She feels in the bracket that he belongs to, he is the most versatile and fit actor. In fact he doesn't look his age at all. She was heard saying that she would love to cast him -- that would be a jhakaas decision.
Thursday, November 14, 2013 11:42 IST
Director Zoya Akhtar loves to praise actors without any hang-ups. She was recently heard praising Anil Kapoor.
The Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara director feels that Anil is the most underrated actor. She feels in the bracket that he belongs to, he is the most versatile and fit actor. In fact he doesn't look his age at all. She was heard saying that she would love to cast him -- that would be a jhakaas decision.
The Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara director feels that Anil is the most underrated actor. She feels in the bracket that he belongs to, he is the most versatile and fit actor. In fact he doesn't look his age at all. She was heard saying that she would love to cast him -- that would be a jhakaas decision.