High profile Indian style guru Prasad Bidappa, held in Dubai on charges of possessing marijuana last month, has been released from a jail here.
Indian officials said Bidappa, who spent more than a month in custody, was freed on a mercy petition filed by his wife Wednesday. He was released on Wednesday night
itself, the first day of the trial in the case.
He is still in Dubai as authorities have not handed him his passport and is staying with a friend, said an Indian official.
Bidappa was arrested in Dubai on June 12 for the possession of marijuana in his baggage. He had arrived in Dubai to attend a fashion meet and a children's programme.
It is not known whether the charges have been dropped.
This is the second case of an Indian celebrity, after actor Vijay Raaz, freed by the United Arab Emirates authorities on drug charges.
Friday, July 15, 2005 15:40 IST