Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil on Thursday declined to comment on the reported links of Bollywood actor Salman Khan with the underworld.
"Don't ask me to comment on what others have said through the media," he said.
During his briefing to reporters on the meeting of Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs (CCPA) chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Patil was asked to comment on
the reported links between Khan and the underworld.
While the Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh on Thursday said an inquiry would be conducted into the allegations that Bollywood star Salman Khan had
threatened actress Aishwarya Rai with ‘dire consequences' if she failed to attend specific events linked to the underworld.
Deshmukh assured the House that he would make a statement on the issue raised by Opposition members who demanded that Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime
Act (MCOCA) be applied against Salman for his alleged threats and links with the underworld.
Friday, July 15, 2005 15:44 IST