'Drama Queen,' a book written by Suchitra Krishnamoorth, the former singer-actress turned candlemaker draws from the many episodes of her life in her book.It also includes a story of a rejected proposal of marriage to Ram Gopal Varma.
Suchitra and RGV collaborated on a couple of films, including 'My Wife's Murder' and 'Rann' in the mid 2000s and in the book Suchitra confesses to sending a text message to Ramu which reads 'Ramu will you marry me'. After waiting for a long time, Suchitra did get a message asking for a meeting. When she reached the filmmaker's office and the two finally confronted the subject of marriage, Ramu's candid reply left Suchitra flabbergasted.
She recounts RGV's reply thus in the book, "Suchitra I think you have misunderstood me. Completely. We are not similar at all. Never. I don't believe in the institution of marriage. I am just not the marrying kind. I use women only for sex and I am very sure that's not what you want. I like women's bodies but not their brains. In my opinion, a woman should be seen and not heard."
As Ramu and Suchitra never made their relationship public, the confession is sure to take many by surprise. When contacted Suchitra to ask her if the incident is borrowed from real life, she admitted that Ramu did reject her marriage proposal. "Yes, there was a point when I wanted to marry him and I sent him this text message.
And I have recounted Ramu's reply too," said Suchitra. Won't RGV be miffed with her decision to make their private conversation public? "Of course I have asked for his permission. How can I put this out without his permission?" said Suchitra.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:02 IST