According to the trade buzz, it is slated to star Amitabh Bachchan along with South actor Dhanush as well as Kamal Haasan's younger daughter, Akshara. Though the adfilmmaker prefers to be guarded about it, a birdie chirps that the film will roll next year.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:16 IST
After making Cheeni Kum and Paa, R Balki is apparently set to roll his next project.
According to the trade buzz, it is slated to star Amitabh Bachchan along with South actor Dhanush as well as Kamal Haasan's younger daughter, Akshara. Though the adfilmmaker prefers to be guarded about it, a birdie chirps that the film will roll next year.
According to the trade buzz, it is slated to star Amitabh Bachchan along with South actor Dhanush as well as Kamal Haasan's younger daughter, Akshara. Though the adfilmmaker prefers to be guarded about it, a birdie chirps that the film will roll next year.