Ace filmmaker Rakesh Roshan is quite unhappy with Marathi filmmaker Anup Jagdale's recent act. The director's Marathi movie Bharla Malwat Rakhtaana is being said to be an unofficial remake of Rakesh Roshan's 'Khoon Bhari Maang' (1988).
As per reported by a major tabloid, A notice from Rakesh Roshan's production house Film Kraft has been sent to filmmaker Anup for making the film without acquiring the permission of the maker. While Rakesh Roshan claims that his production house is dealing with the legal notice. Anup Jagdale said "I don't know who is spreading these baseless rumors and false speculations about my film Bharla Malwat Rakhtaana to be a remake of Khoon Bhari Maang. The only similarities both the films have is might be the title. My film is not a remake of Khoon Bhari Maang in any which ways. Like every other filmmaker, Even i have been inspired by some Hollywood Flicks before conceiving my film."
Anup Jagdale further refused this to be a PR Generated news because no official PR has been appointed for the film as of yet. "I have personally replied to the Letter sent to me by Film Kraft Productions (Pvt) Ltd. And i am ready to show my film to the legendary Rakesh Roshan sir if he agrees as i respect him from the bottom of my heart." added the maker.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:46 IST