Deepika Padukone has set a record by giving three back to back hit films, Race 2, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Chennai Expres, which in totality reached Rs 500 crore club. She is the one who has established herself in the Bollywood in the shortest span. She has certainly beaten several contemporary Bollywood beauties in achieving her goals.
Deepika it appears has left behind Katrina Kaif who is now reportedly dating her ex-boy friend Ranbir Kapoor. In an online poll conducted last year by a newspaper titled, 'Most Desirable Women of 2012', Deepika beat Katrina by obtaining the Numero Uno spot. She has also been voted as the World's Sexiest Woman (FHM). In another online poll, Deepika has emerged as the most searched celebrity which at one point was a spot earlier occupied by Katrina Kaif.
Thursday, November 28, 2013 13:06 IST