While making "Hawa Hawaai", all of director Amol Gupte's focus was on bringing out a quality product rather than impressing or pampering the cast members.
`There are no inflated egos on this set. The film is bigger than everyone else and everyone is doing the best they can for the film. That is what counts,` Gupte said in a statement.
"Hawa Hawaai" stars Saqib Saleem.
The director did not even place any vanity vans on the set.
`There were no vanity vans but we never felt like we needed one. The environment was so warm and family-like on the sets that there was no room for any vanity on the set- vans or otherwise,` he said.
The film also stars Gupte's son Partho.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013 12:31 IST