India Tuesday agreed to host a festival of Pakistani films. The decision was taken during the first round of secretary-level talks here on promoting bilateral cultural
Talking to reporters after the talks, Indian Culture Secretary Neena Ranjan Punjabi films could be screened in Punjab while Urdu films could be shown in New Delhi, Online
news agency reported.
A proposal to double the number of Pakistani pilgrims to India to 3,000 annually and to increase the number of holy sites for their visit was also agreed upon during the talks.
Ranjan said the number of Pakistani and Indian pilgrims to both the countries each year would be increased through consultation.
Jalil Abbas, the culture and sports secretary, said no proposal regarding screening of Indian films in Pakistani cinema halls was considered during the talks.
"The government is the final authority to decide whether or not to permit screening of Indian films in Pakistan," he said.
The two sides also explored ways of promoting exchanges in the fields of culture, tourism, youth affairs and education.
India and Pakistan signed an agreement to promote cultural ties in 1988. The first round of talks under the agreement was held in New Delhi last August and the current visit
by the Indian team is in pursuance of the objectives laid down in the accord.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:13 IST