While chief guest Anil Kapoor religiously arrived on time, Manisha Koirala who was invited as the guest of honour at the music release event of director Jai Prakash's thriller Sauda failed to turn up.
Invitees surmised that there was an "ego issue" as Kapoor was the chief guest and hence Koirala was not willing to attend just as a "guest of honour".
Yet another section speculated that she had fallen out with her director Jai Prakash after Chaahat failed to make waves at the box-office. However, Jai Prakash was least perturbed with the rumours. "All I can say is that Manisha was very keen on attending the Sauda event but she had just arrived from Kathmandu and was very tired. So we decided that it was fine if she could not make it," declares the Sauda director.
"In fact I am working on a hard-hitting film called Gangaa and I am finalising Manisha to play the lead character. The cast of Sauda includes Sanjay Kapoor, as a flamboyant tycoon, Preeti Jhangiani, Aryan Vaid and Suman Ranganath," he adds.
"This time Suman will be seen in Sauda in a vampish oomph-oozing role of Monica who is crazy about Aryan, Preeti's husband. While Sanjay is obsessed with with Preeti and wants to get close to her at any cost," discloses Jai Prakash.
He adds, "This offers a twist to the story and allows Kapoor to offer financial help to a distressed Aryan in exchange for a one-night-stand with his wife."
It is yet another remix of Indecent Proposal after Judaai. Ironically, the chief guest Anil Kapoor was portrayed as the sauda-stake in Judaai.
Saturday, July 30, 2005 15:04 IST