Actress Swara Bhaskar, who shared screen space with Farooque Sheikh in `Listen Amaya`, is devastated on hearing about the sudden demise of the veteran actor and says he was a lesson to watch and seeing him act was like a class.
`The demise of the gracious, charming, iconic and much loved Farooque Sheikh is the saddest news. Gentleman, and gem-of-a-person. Farooque Sheikh was an actor par-excellence and a lesson to watch,` Swara said in a statement.
`Listen Amaya` has been directed by Avinash Kumar and casts the veteran actor, who breathed his last following a heart attack while he was in Dubai late Friday night, in one of the lead roles.
Swara also says that working with Farooque in the film helped her discover that "this self effacing and dignified legend of his time was also a gifted storyteller."
`And so, shooting with him became a treat of stories, food, wit and scintillating conversation. I recall the respect and dignity with which he treated every fan and well-wisher who came up to him. Just watching Farooque sir play out a scene was an acting class.
`His effortlessness when acting is the most precious lesson an actor can ever learn, also the toughest to achieve. Farooque sir could turn the dullest moment bright with a single witty line. Remembering and cherishing every single moment that i was privileged to spend with this legend. Too soon Farooque sir, we will miss you and feel your loss always,` she added.
Monday, December 30, 2013 13:01 IST