Abhay Deol in his latest installment of wacky cinema, `One by Two` is being built up as the Pakaoed Amit Sharma. Though this New Year's he celebrated the most Unpakaoed new year of his life.
His fans across social media were sending in suggestions of the best possible way to be Unpakaoed this New Year. Abhay himself was super energized post this, `I am not a party person, new year celebrations have always been more of spending time with family & close friends, but this time around I had the most un-pakaoed new year party`.
With the first song of the movie `I'm just Pakaoed` being launched few days ago, 2014 surely looks set to be Unpakaoed for all of us.
One By Two starring Abhay Deol, Preeti Desai. The movie is directed by Devika Bhagat and it's scheduled to release on 31st Jan 2014.
Friday, January 03, 2014 12:23 IST