The Delhi High Court Monday summoned a senior home ministry official to assist it in hearing a petition by Suhaib Ilyasi, producer of crime serial "India TV's Most Wanted",
seeking security over alleged threats from a Bollywood actor.
Justice Vikramjit Sen summoned in person the director of VIP security when an upper division clerk of the home ministry failed to reply to queries of the court regarding
Ilyasi's plea.
The judge directed the director to be present in the court Aug 12. He also took exception to sending a junior level officer to assist the court in the matter.
In his petition, Ilyasi had sought direction to the Delhi government Delhi Police to provide him security alleging he had received threat calls from a Bollywood actor on whose
alleged racket of exploiting innocent girls in the name of giving them film breaks he had conducted a sting operation.
Ilyasi submitted that the actor had started threatening him after he came to know about the recording of his conversations with the girls.
Counsel for the Delhi government had stated that it was ready to provide Ilyasi X-category security as recommended by security agencies after studying the threat perception
to him.
He had submitted that Ilyasi did not deserve security above the X-category as he was neither on the hit list of any terrorist outfit nor was his programme a venture that could
be defined as a public interest one.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 17:51 IST