Sridevi posted some holiday snapshots on Twitter. Looks like the recent fire in their house and Boney's imbroglio with Sahara is all the past as the Kapoor family began 2014 on a clean slate. While the daughters posed in bikini tops and hot pants, Sri was spotted in a swimsuit.
Friday, January 03, 2014 14:11 IST
Boney Kapoor with wife Sridevi and daughters Jahnvi and Khushi ushered in the New Year in Maldives.
Sridevi posted some holiday snapshots on Twitter. Looks like the recent fire in their house and Boney's imbroglio with Sahara is all the past as the Kapoor family began 2014 on a clean slate. While the daughters posed in bikini tops and hot pants, Sri was spotted in a swimsuit.
Sridevi posted some holiday snapshots on Twitter. Looks like the recent fire in their house and Boney's imbroglio with Sahara is all the past as the Kapoor family began 2014 on a clean slate. While the daughters posed in bikini tops and hot pants, Sri was spotted in a swimsuit.