Shah Rukh Khan will host the 20th Annual Life OK Screen Awards to be held here Jan 14. The Bollywood superstar says that he enjoys hosting award functions as it gives him an opportunity to return the love of his fans.
The nomination list, the jury and the host name were announced Tuesday.
"I've always enjoyed hosting award functions and making people around me happy and Screen Awards gives me that opportunity, the chance to return all the love and the wishes that my audiences have always blessed me with," said Shah Rukh in a statement.
The awards function will be aired on Life OK channel on Jan 25.
"This is the 20th edition of Screen Awards and the first year of association with Life OK and I know we will have a long relationship ahead," he added.
Govind Nihalani, Atul Agnihotri, Homi Adajania, Moushumi Chatterji, Sonali Kulkarni and Shreyas Talpade, among others, have been named as the jury members who will select the best talents in over 30 categories for the 20th edition of the award show.
The awards will celebrate the achievement and excellence of Hindi as well as Marathi cinema.
Thursday, January 09, 2014 13:36 IST