Shilpa Shinde will be seen on SAB TV channel's comedy Serial Lapataganj - Ek Baar Phir. Shilpa has displayed her talents in serials Bhabhi, Maiyka, Chidiya Ghar and others. She has played comedy roles in Chidiya Ghar and Bechara Big B. Shipla like comedy roles.
"I am playing a character of Marry Demello in the serial. Marry is a teacher and has come to stay in Lapataganj. Playing a Catholic girl, with a positive approach towards life and filled with energy,she knows her traditional values and she is always seen in modern & western cloths. Comedy is not easy, but my past roles have given me much needed experience in it. Hope people like it & they will like my new Serial, new role and new look," says Shilpa Shinde about her role.
Saturday, January 11, 2014 13:07 IST