Deepika Padukone has expressed her wish to act in a romantic number with Shah Rukh Khan. Deepika Padukone, who has done several stage shows with Shah Rukh Khan, is most likely to accompany King Khan on concerts again this season. And, we hear, the current hot favourite has put forward a small request.
The actress loves the SRK-Kajol number Suraj Hua Madham from Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham(2001) and though it's a slow romantic track, she's keen that one of the choreographers adapt it for stage. She wants to do this number with SRK only.
And, like Kajol, Deepu plans on wearing those gorgeous chiffons. It will be interesting to see this stage version of the evergreen track, especially because the Chennai Express actors have a terrific screen chemistry.
Saturday, January 11, 2014 13:39 IST