Delhi girl Nisha Kothari, who makes her Bollywood debut in Ram Gopal Varma's "James", says she was
chosen for the role by chance and didn't have to do even a screen test.
"It was a great experience working with Ramu," Nisha told over the phone from Mumbai. "Ramu gave me
complete freedom in doing my role. I had no pressure whatsoever."
The film is directed by Rohit Jugraj and produced by Varma.
Nisha, who had already worked in a Tamil and a Telugu movies, said it was "by chance" that Varma selected
her for the film.
"Ramu saw some of my photographs and offered me the role without any audition or screen tests," revealed
the 21-year-old, who also played a small role in Varma's "Sarkar".
Nisha, a Delhi University graduate, said acting had been a dream since childhood. "I don't have an acting
background. I only did some crash course before joining Ramu."
"James" is the story of how a courageous man single-handedly takes on the people controlling political power
in Mumbai. It is to be released Aug 19.
Thursday, August 04, 2005 16:43 IST