Earlier Amitabh Bachchan was approached to do a small act with Shah Rukh Khan at the Screen Awards. However he decided not to take it up as it did not seem a great idea. Amitabh Bachchan, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award posted on his blog: `Soon after the work, there were meetings in the house... with Shah Rukh! There is this small matter of a Lifetime Achievement Award coming my way at the Screen Awards to be held on the 14th (January) and to be able to do an act with SRK.` He added: `But I felt later on that. This would not be a good idea. The basics though work! And I do hope that Shahrukh and I get to do this act someday together,` he added.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 13:20 IST
Bollywood's first family - The Bachchan's - arrived in panache at the 20th Annual Life OK Screen Awards on Tuesday night held at Mumbai's Bandra Kurla Complex. Both Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan look suave in their suits. Big B pepped up his look with a bright red tie. Veteran actress Jaya Bachchan looks graceful in the pink sari she opted for the night. However, the Bachchan's arrived sans their 'bahu' Aishwarya Rai and little Aaradhya Bachchan.
Earlier Amitabh Bachchan was approached to do a small act with Shah Rukh Khan at the Screen Awards. However he decided not to take it up as it did not seem a great idea. Amitabh Bachchan, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award posted on his blog: `Soon after the work, there were meetings in the house... with Shah Rukh! There is this small matter of a Lifetime Achievement Award coming my way at the Screen Awards to be held on the 14th (January) and to be able to do an act with SRK.` He added: `But I felt later on that. This would not be a good idea. The basics though work! And I do hope that Shahrukh and I get to do this act someday together,` he added.
Earlier Amitabh Bachchan was approached to do a small act with Shah Rukh Khan at the Screen Awards. However he decided not to take it up as it did not seem a great idea. Amitabh Bachchan, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award posted on his blog: `Soon after the work, there were meetings in the house... with Shah Rukh! There is this small matter of a Lifetime Achievement Award coming my way at the Screen Awards to be held on the 14th (January) and to be able to do an act with SRK.` He added: `But I felt later on that. This would not be a good idea. The basics though work! And I do hope that Shahrukh and I get to do this act someday together,` he added.