Lakshmi ran to a full house when it was screened at the recent Palm Springs International Film Festival in California. The film revolves around a teenage girl, Lakshmi, who was abducted and forced into prostitution, but struggles on to get justice for herself. Singer Monali Thankur, of the song 'Zara Zara Touch Me' from the film 'Race' plays the lead role. Kukunoor too features as an actor, playing the role of a pimp.
A unique "Mark your City Safe Campaign" for womens safety was inaugurated at the hands of Padmashree Lila Poonawalla at MCCIA Auditorium.Monali Thakur Who plays the 14yr old Child Prostitute in Lakshmi also showed her support.
Pune-based SmartCloud Infotech, which developed the "Nirbhaya: Be Fearless " app last year, organized a special two-day event recently on women's safety and technology.
Former U.S. Marine and expert in personal safety training Melissa Lee Ohm, Founders of SmartCloud Infotech Gajanan Sakhare and Ajit Patil, Shabnam Asthana, Director National Executive PRCI, and a member of the core team were present on the occasion.
Melissa Lee Ohm gave a demonstration on personal safety to female students from various colleges.
`With our Nirbhaya app we have seen over 15,000 downloads. And it continues to be one of the top women safety apps. We now want to take this success to B2B segment. In the consumer space where our app is free to download we will be including certain additions for a nominal subscription,` added Sakhare.
The makers of the app have collaborated with the Movie to launch a Lakshmi Quiz asking women to share the hardships they face in daily life.
Friday, January 17, 2014 13:29 IST