Anil Sharma's next film "Apne" will see the three Deols -- papa Dharmendra and sons Sunny and Bobby -- playing their real life roles on screen for the first time.
According to Sharma, the film, earlier titled "Chupke Chupke", will be a milestone for both him and the Deols with whom he has shared a close rapport.
Sharma said he had been working on the film, his most "cherished", since the time he wrote "Gadar".
"It has all the trappings of a huge family drama and was always written with the three Deols in mind, but I wasn't sure I wanted to start it then. Then a few months ago, I felt it
was just the right time for such a film, when action films were no more in vogue as they used to be earlier."
"Apne" will also mark Sharma's return to the genre of family-oriented films.
"No doubt I have come to be associated with action films, be it 'Elaan-E-Jung', 'Hukumat' or 'Gadar - Ek Prem Katha', but everyone tends to forget I also made the
emotionally strong 'Shraddhanjali'," he said.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 16:08 IST