Vaani Kapoor who is making her South Indian debut with Aaha Kalyanam, the Tamil remake of Band Baaja Baaraat. The pretty actress revealed more than she intended too during the audio launch recently wearing a saree. While sitting alongside actor Nani and bending down, Vaani Kapoor revealed quite a bit of her assets which the shutterbugs didn't miss to capture.
The entire cast and crew of the film were present in saree and vesti, giving an authentic marriage feel to the event. Produced by Aditya Chopra on Yash Raj Films, the bilingual romantic-drama directed by debutante Gokul Krishna, has music by Dharan Kumar. The audio was launched in the presence of the cast and crew including all singers who sang in the film. And the surprise guest at the audio launch was Usha Uthup, who also sang the popular title song on stage, with all singers.
Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:11 IST