At a preview of the film, Mahesh Bhatt praised Vikram's performance. Says the actor, "It means a lot coming from someone like Mahesh Bhatt. He is an institution of filmmaking and it is very encouraging to hear good things from him."
Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:40 IST
Mukesh Bhatt, debut actors Vikram Singh, Arjumman Mughal, producer Mahesh Bhatt and actor Ejaz Khan at a promotional event for the film 'Ya Rab'. The Bhatt brothers were present to support the film as it is directed by Hasnain Hyderabadwalla, their erstwhile assisstant.
At a preview of the film, Mahesh Bhatt praised Vikram's performance. Says the actor, "It means a lot coming from someone like Mahesh Bhatt. He is an institution of filmmaking and it is very encouraging to hear good things from him."
At a preview of the film, Mahesh Bhatt praised Vikram's performance. Says the actor, "It means a lot coming from someone like Mahesh Bhatt. He is an institution of filmmaking and it is very encouraging to hear good things from him."