Actor Saqib Saleem, seen in fashion designer duo Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna's creation and holding a neatly tied bunch of roses, is the cover boy of designer and stylist Pernia Qureshi's web magazine for the February issue.
Launched in May 2013, Pernia's Pop-Up Shop magazine covers varied topics like fashion, beauty, lifestyle, events and current affairs.
"To celebrate the month of romance, I felt we needed a Valentine date for the magazine who was fun and young. Saqib fit the bill perfectly. He was completely in sync with the shoot concept and made the whole process easier. I would love to work with him again," Qureshi told IANS.
Stars like Asin Thottumkal, Jacqueline Fernandez and Monica Dogra have featured on the magazine's cover in the past.
Saturday, February 01, 2014 12:00 IST