Comedian Kapil Sharma has been approached by Yash Raj Films for playing a lead in a film under the banner. "They have met him.
Kapil Sharma
The meeting has taken place recently. But nothing is finalised yet. We can't talk about his role as things are not confirmed," sources told PTI.
He has been offered a lead role in a Yash Raj film, being produced under the Yash Raj Film's banner Y Films, which has produced movies like 'Mere Dad Ki Maruti', 'Luv Ka The End'. Interestingly, Kapil will also be seen in another film with Sunil Grover, best known as 'Guthi'.
The comedian has managed to grab attention of one and all through his popular show 'Comedy Nights With Kapil' where a string of celebrities come to promote their films.
Monday, February 03, 2014 14:34 IST