Film actor and Congress MP Govinda's wife and two children were injured Monday in a road accident on their way to Ajmer in Rajasthan while his secretary was killed
Govinda flew his wife and two children in a special flight to Mumbai Monday evening.
The actor reached here from Mumbai by a regular flight Monday 6 p.m. following news of the accident that occurred at 12.30 p.m. at Bagru, 28 km from here on the newly
inaugurated Jaipur-Kishengarh expressway.
Doctors attending on the actor's family at the Sawai Man Singh hospital said his wife and two children were in a stable condition.
However, Govinda's secretary Rishab died on the spot. A former Delhi-based journalist, he had been Govinda's long-standing secretary. His body is still in Jaipur for
Govinda's wife Sunita suffered injuries on the head and leg. Son Yashowardan, 10, was hurt on the head and cheeks while daughter Namrata, 17, had similar injuries and
also on the mouth.
"A CT scan was done on all three and the reports are out. They are all out of danger," said P.P.S. Mathur, medical superintendent of the Sawai Man Singh hospital
The car they were travelling in swerved to avoid some children on the road, hit a truck in the other lane, said Jagmohan Sharma, the police officer in charge of the station at
Eyewitnesses say the car had bloodstains in the front-seat and was in a mangled condition.
The condition of the driver, identified as Abdul, was said to be critical.
Govinda's family was on its way to the urs of Moinudeen Chisti in Ajmer. The actor is a devotee of the Sufi saint, family sources said.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 18:09 IST