Actress Deepika Padukone has demanded Rs 1 crore a day for allowing herself to be grease-painted. The latest buzz in K-town is that director Chimbu Devan has approached Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone to play Vijay's lead girl in the film that he is to direct. It is said that when the director got in touch with Deepika, the actress was willing to don the greasepaint but demanded 1 crore per day.
Vijay has just kick-started A R Murugadoss's project, after which he will move to Chimbu Devan's untitled flick. The film touted to be a fantasy entertainer is expected to go on floors this September. The earlier buzz was that Priyanka Chopra who had made her debut opposite Vijay in 2002 film 'Thamizhan' was being roped.
With Deepika Padukone demanding such a huge amount and the buzz about Priyanka Chopra also approached, an official announcement will only clear the airs.
Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:37 IST