Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav today said his government had not yet taken any decision on banning the Aamir-starrer 'Mangal Pandey - The Rising' as
demanded by some of the state ministers.
''I do not want to comment at the moment as I have not seen the film nor know anything about the controversy,'' Mr Yadav told the media on the sidelines of the
Independence day celebrations here.
Yesterday, minister of state for co-operatives Shardanand Anchal had said in Ballia, which some claim to be the home town of the freedom fighter, the film would be banned
in Uttar Pradesh if it did not rectify ''distorted historical facts'' regarding the life of Pandey.
The CM clarified that any decision on the film, depicting the life of the hero of the first war of independence in 1857, would be taken only after considering all
Anchal said the state government had taken the alleged distortion ''seriously'' and would like the film director and producer to ''correct the same or else the film would be
banned.'' Convenor of the 'Mangal Pandey Virodh Manch' and Samajwadi Party legislator Vikramaditya Pandey also said party MP Janeshwar Mishra would raise the matter
in the Rajya Sabha.
The film could not be released in Ballia following protests over ''distortion of facts.'' Local intellectuals, theatre personalities and students have launched a campaign agaisnt
the film for what they termed ''distortion of historical facts and no reference to his native village, Nagwa'' in the film.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 16:23 IST