'Lakshmi' was screened at HR College for undergraduate media students, followed by a Q&A session with the film's director Nagesh Kukunoor, actor Monali Thakur and producer Elahe Hiptoola.
The students were awestruck by the violence and captured by the emotion in the film- there wasn't a dry eye in the room towards the end. Kukunoor explained that all the violence portrayed in the film is based on reality- but what had a bigger effect on the audience were the moving scenes where no violence was shown, only implied.
Monali went on to say that the hardest part of making the movie was the script reading, because it was so hard to detach from the character. When asked if he thinks this movie will actually bring about any change, Kukunoor replied `"All I can do is shed a spotlight on the problem and start a debate`.
Kukunoor was delighted with the response from the students, `'The validation from college students in India was essential for us because we want you to spread the word`.
Friday, February 14, 2014 10:39 IST