Actress Kashish Singh, who has been all excited for Valentine's Day, recently, got candid in an interview. She revealed some of her favourite places in the romantic city of Paris.
`It's my favourite destination. If it's Valentine's day, it has to be in Paris. The city lifts up my mood in so many ways, and is definitely the perfect place to declare your feelings for the one you love` said a cheerful Kashish, who clearly looked smitten by the most romantic day of the year.
Among her must-visit places, the Le MeuriceI tops the list, with its French styled interiors, delectable food and the ambience, combined. `It just makes you melt from within`, she said. With all enthusiasm, she added how The Latin Quarters with its antique bookstores, old-world cafes, hidden passageways and elegant gardens make it one of the most romantic places to amble in Paris. The Filmfare (hindi) January covergirl also talked about how she has heard of The Square du Vert Galant park as the place `where sweethearts love to linger.`
Kashish ended by saying, `When it comes to romance, Paris is an absolute`, and wished all her fans a Happy Valentine's Day.
Saturday, February 15, 2014 14:44 IST