MSM Motion Pictures film Youngistaan is making buzz these days that this movie is based on real life politician, due to this Jackky Bhagnani's appearances at promotional events also makes the audience feel the same. He portrays character of young dynamic politician who has a live-in relationship. Whereas Jackky denies these rumors, and explains that how his character Abhimanyu Kaul is not inspired by real life politician. He said, 'It's not based on any real-life politician. Instead, he is a mixture of mannerisms of several legislators, where I play a leader of the country.
My character isn't based on anyone particular. He is a 28 year old Politician who goes on dates, introduces nation to modern banking reforms, and teaches them how to e-vote and doesn't play blame games. He believes in policy that if you want change, you have to be the change.'
'Abhimanyu knows how to keep his personal and professional life different, and I think young India is ready for changes. My character shows the division between the old and modern day mindsets. He doesn't go against his culture, but brings about a revolution. Everyone in the real world is playing blame game, here's a guy who owns up whenever he has messed up and says don't vote for me, if you don't wish to but cast your ballot at least' adds Jackky.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 13:42 IST