"Ramji Londonwale", starring south superstar Madhavan, was originally titled "Bawarchi" but the actor and director Sanjay Dayma thought that was too one-dimensional and
being a cook was just one aspect in Ramji's personality.
Sanjay felt the typical middle class person would describe a man from Uttar Pradesh as 'UPwale' or from Bihar as 'Biharwale'. So Londonwale for Ramji from Bihar, who is
transported to an alien land in London, would give a nice touch.
Sanjay thought it would have tremendous recall value and Maddy, himself half Bihari, loved it.
The duo decided not to reveal the new title till the movie was completed. And when they did, they got a tidal wave of approval instead of a storm of protest.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 17:35 IST