If sources are to be believed, Ram Gopal Varma, who recently directed the dud, Satya-2, will now be shooting 12 films in 12 months. In other words, Ramu will be shooting a film every month. And interestingly enough, he's already shooting his third venture in this series.
A source close to the director tells HitList, `Ramu has finished shooting two films and he has now started work on his third. The first one is called Pattapagalu (it means 'In Broad Daylight' in Tamil), and the second one is called Rowdy. The third one goes by the title, Tension.`
The source adds that the director wants to celebrate his completion of 25 years in the cinema industry with a filmmaking spree.
It remains to be seen how these films will be received by audiences.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:30 IST