Jackky Bhagnani's upcoming film 'Youngistaan' which is set on a political backdrop is all slated to release on the 28th of March 2014.
Jackky Bhagnani in his reel life so far has been seen in films which primarily focus on social issues currently hurting the country in more ways than one and in his real life he is known to be direct, upfront and always open about his views pertaining to situations and scenarios he's faced with.
Recently in an up close and personal interview with the Bollywood star, a tricky question was directed towards him which was `What do you think is wrong with the politicians of the day?` and some thing that stood out from his response was what he dislikes about the political system in general. `I do not agree with blame game politics and it's high time it needs to be changed` said Jackky Bhagnani.
For some one to have such a positive attitude off screen, one can only wait and watch to see the impact he's going to have on screen when 'Youngistaan' releases on March 28th,2014.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 13:06 IST