Police in Delhi have arrested the owner of a Mumbai video parlour for allegedly threatening and demanding Rs.500 million from Sanjay Kapur, the husband of actress
Karisma Kapoor.
Rajkumar Vajirchandani, owner of Royal Video Parlour in Mulund area of north Mumbai, was arrested late Tuesday night. However, it was not clear whether the arrest was
made in Delhi or Mumbai.
"We were only informed about the arrest by Delhi Police and were not in any way involved in it. We were asked to inform the family members of the accused at around 10.30
p.m.," told Sub Inspector J.Y. Syed of Mulund police station.
"We do not know whether the arrest was made in Delhi or Mumbai. All we know is he (Vajirchandani) is now in their custody in Delhi," Syed said.
Sanjay Kapur, who is involved in a dispute with Karisma over the custody of their five-month-old daughter Samaira, had complained to Delhi Police last week that he had
received threatening e-mails.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005 17:11 IST