The legendary actor will be present to promote his upcoming film Bhoonath Returns and the contestants have chosen his iconic songs to perform on. Apart from him, Madhuri Dixit too will be present for promotion of her film Gulaab Gang though the release of her film has been pushed ahead. Too much promotion only!
Sunday, March 09, 2014 14:35 IST
India's Got Talent finalists will be playing a special tribute to Amitabh Bachchan during the finale this weekend
The legendary actor will be present to promote his upcoming film Bhoonath Returns and the contestants have chosen his iconic songs to perform on. Apart from him, Madhuri Dixit too will be present for promotion of her film Gulaab Gang though the release of her film has been pushed ahead. Too much promotion only!
The legendary actor will be present to promote his upcoming film Bhoonath Returns and the contestants have chosen his iconic songs to perform on. Apart from him, Madhuri Dixit too will be present for promotion of her film Gulaab Gang though the release of her film has been pushed ahead. Too much promotion only!