Super star Shah Rukh Khan flew down to Chennai to attend the audio launch function of Soundarya Rajinikanth Ashwin's Kochadaiiyaan on Sunday. A self-confessed fan of the Superstar, Shah Rukh Khan said, "The only word I know properly in Tamil is 'thalaiva'. And that's the reason why I'm here. I have come to be part of this launch as a fan, as a friend, as a seeker of knowledge."
The actor then broke into an impromptu song on the lines of Lungi Dance - rephrasing the catchphrase with Kochadaiiyaan. He further added, "When I came to Mumbai 24 years ago, I remember watching Rajini sir from a distance, while he practised his famous cigarette flip in front of a mirror. Looking at him practise, I learnt that working hard is the key to success."
Speaking amidst loud cheers from the audience, Rajinikanth said, "I've always loved raja-rani stories. Even as a child, I would read the book only if the story started with 'Once upon a time, there was a king...'. So, all these years, I had a regret of not having a chance to showcase our folklore on the big screen."
He added, "I worked on the story of Rana for 20 years, but because of my illness, it didn't materialise. But then, Kochadaiiyaan happened, and I can say it's 20 times better than Rana."
Rajinikanth also told those gathered how he liked looking younger on screen and that thanks to the graphics.
Despite being a superstar, Rajinikanth's paternal instinct came to the fore at the event. He told his two daughters - Aishwaryaa and Soundarya - to make films, but devote more time to their families as well. "Till your kids are at least 12, be with them," was his advice to them.
When Deepika Padukone, who plays Rajinikanth's heroine in the film, took to the mic, she bowled the audience over by saying, "I thank Rajini sir for making Chennai a home away from home for me." And Soundarya added, "Deepika loves rasam and my mom makes wonderful rasam. So, she felt completely at home!"
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 13:48 IST