The Karnataka High Court Friday lifted the ban on the release of Hindi film "Pyar Mein Twist" and permitted its screening.
Vacating an injunction by a city civil court Thursday, Justice Anand Byra Reddy of the high court allowed the producer, distributors and exhibitors to screen the
The injunction was vacated on a petition moved by the film's producer Sahara Entertainment Picture Company. it restrained the film's release on the ground it was a
plagiarised version of Kannada film "Preethi, Prema Pranaya", produced and directed by Kavita Lankesh.
Lankesh's counsel B.T. Venkatesh said the high court order could be appealed.
Seven theatres in Bangalore began screening the film, starring Rishi Kapoor and Dimple Kapadia of "Bobby" fame even before the high court order.
Earlier, Bangalore police chief Ajai Kumar Singh said the police could not enforce the ban as the order was from a civil court.
"It's a civil order. We cannot intervene," Singh said.
In spite of confusion and uncertainty over the screening of the film, spectators had thronged the theatres since afternoon.
Monday, September 05, 2005 16:15 IST